Table 1
Estimated energy requirements (EER) based on Institute of Medicine (IOM) equations, by body mass index, age and sex

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Body mass index (BMI), age and sex Plant of Medicine equation for estimated energy requirement
BMI between 18.5 kg/yard2 and 25 kg/yard2
Ages 9 to 18
Male EER = 113.5 - 61.9*age (years) + PAL * (26.vii * weight (kg) + 903 * height (chiliad)), where PAL = 1 if sedentary, one.13 if low active, 1.26 if agile, and i.42 if very active.
Female EER = 160.three - xxx.viii*age (years) + PAL * (10 * weight (kg) + 934 * pinnacle (m)), where PAL = 1 if sedentary, ane.16 if low active, 1.31 if active, and 1.56 if very active.
Ages 19 or older
Male person EER = 661.viii - 9.53*age (years) + PAL*(15.91* weight (kg) +* height (m)), where PAL = i if sedentary, 1.xi if low active, 1.25 if active, and 1.48 if very active.
Female EER = - 6.91*historic period (years) + PAL*(ix.36* weight (kg) + 726* height (thousand)), where PAL = i if sedentary, 1.12 if low active, 1.27 if active, and one.45 if very active.
BMI more than 25 kg/m2
Ages 9 to 18
Male EER = -114.i-50.ix*age (years) + PAL * (xix.5*weight (kg) + 1161.four*tiptop (k)), where PAL = 1 if sedentary, 1.12 if low active, 1.24 if active, and 1.45 if very active.
Female EER = 389.2 - 41.2*historic period (years) + PAL * (xv * weight (kg) + * height (m)), where PAL = 1 if sedentary, one.eighteen if low agile, ane.35 if active, and 1.60 if very active.
Ages 19 or older
Male EER = 1085.half-dozen - 10.08*age (years) + PAL*(thirteen.vii* weight (kg) + 416* height (m)), where PAL = 1 if sedentary, 1.12 if low active, 1.29 if active and ane.59 if very active.
Female EER = 447.6 - seven.95*age (years) + PAL*(11.four* weight (kg) + 619* height (m)), where PAL = ane if sedentary, 1.16 if low active, 1.27 if active and 1.44 if very agile.
Note: PAL is concrete activeness level.
Source: Found of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Free energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein and Amino Acids. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2005.14