
Why Does Brazil Speak Portugese

Brazilians are the only people in Latin America that speak Portuguese (not Spanish!) equally their main language. That may be the cause of defoliation for many people visiting Brazil for the first time. Subsequently all, the official language for well-nigh neighboring countries such equally Argentine republic, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Peru is Spanish.

Then, why practise Brazilians speak Portuguese and not Castilian?

Discovery of Brazil

Going back to the tardily 15th century, many European navigators explored the Atlantic searching for new lands. Explorers included Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Ferdinand Magellan, Giovanni da Verrazzano, and Pedro Álvares Cabral.

Soon after Columbus discovered America, Espana rushed to secure sovereignty over it before any other land could do the same. Unfortunately for them, Portugal decided to embark on a journey to America every bit well.

por que os brasileiros falam português e não espanholIn 1494, Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, which would divide their claims along a line of demarcation between the two empires. Kingdom of spain would proceeds admission to all lands west of the line. On the other hand, Portugal was costless to conquer everything to the east.

Needless to say, there was much more than country to be explored west of the line. Because of that, Kingdom of spain was able to colonize most of what we know today as Latin America. And that is why countries such equally Argentina, Chile, Panama, and Costa Rica speak Castilian.

Colonization of Brazil

And and then, Espana started to colonize everything west of the Treaty of Tordesillas. Meanwhile, Portugal got just a small piece of land off the Atlantic. This amount of land was basically but the declension of Brazil, represented by the southeast and northeast regions of today.

At the get-go of the colonization of Brazil, Portugal's main interest was the brazilwood, a useful type of tree found here. Scout teacher Lennon's video on Why Brazil is Chosen Brazil to learn more about that. However, another production became more than and more economically interesting to Portugal: sugarcane.

Quickly, sugarcane became the main crop in Brazil. In the late 16th century, sugarcane was in high need, and Brazil'southward economy relied heavily on it. Because of that, Brazilian plantation owners began migrating inland searching for more fertile state.

Through these expeditions, they discovered a huge amount of aureate, especially in Minas Gerais. A gilt rush ensued in the country, which led to fifty-fifty farther expansion of Brazil. Over the side by side century, the borders of modernistic Brazil were fatigued and our country was finally shaped like it is today.

Brazilian Portuguese Language

Of course, there were many Ethnic people here before the Portuguese arrived in Brazil. Millions, actually.

Por qué los brasileños hablan portugués y no españolAs history unfolded, the European Portuguese language from the colonizers started to adopt $.25 and pieces of local dialects. Indigenous languages such equally Tupi and Guarani had a bang-up influence on the Brazilian Portuguese linguistic communication of today. Moreover, African slaves brought to Brazil also contributed to the language, bringing their ain dialects into our civilization.

Today, Brazilian and European Portuguese take slight differences in vocabulary and grammer, though major differences in pronunciation. However, the two languages remain very like in general. For farther reading, check our blog postal service: European Portuguese vs. Brazilian Portuguese – What are the main differences?

Acquire Portuguese

At present that you know a fiddling bit about the origin of the Brazilian Portuguese language, how about exploring it further? At Caminhos Language Centre you not only acquire Portuguese but immerse yourself in the Brazilian civilisation. We offer different courses, amidst group classes and private lessons, and then people choose what is amend for their needs. At Caminhos, we offer Portuguese courses on 10 different levels, from beginner to advanced, including a special class for Latin languages-speakers.

Caminhos organizes free activities every day of the week in order to encourage the practice of Portuguese and social gatherings. Furthermore, the school also provides its students with pupil visa support and accommodation in Rio de Janeiro.

Why Does Brazil Speak Portugese,


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